Does CBD reduce pain?
Chronic pain is severe pain in a specific area of the body. It can be so severe as to constitute a handicap by limiting the physical mobility of the person. Statistical studies have shown that CBD use can reduce the signs of pain in people previously suffering from chronic pain.
Like all mammals, the human body has an endocannabinoid system. This system – let’s call it the SEC – is composed of receptors spread throughout the body. SEC is useful in the regulation of the immune response and in the transmission of pain. Without knowing the exact reasons, CBD is suspected of acting on SEC receptors in order to manipulate the signal used by the human body for pain perception. This paradox was reflected in a report by Addiction Switzerland (a private and independent foundation), in the following terms: “a positive doubt concerning the analgesic effects of CBD to reduce pain”.
Chronic pain
Statistical studies on the subject show that the use of CBD as a treatment for the effects of chronic pain produces significant results. The evidence from the studies suggests that CBD use can reduce inflammation and pain. Moreover, as there is no addiction to CBD, there is no need to increase the doses or to ask the question of withdrawal.
“A joint to cure your migraine” This is more or less what a team of Italian researchers proposed at the last congress of the European Academy of Neurology in June 2019. And the THC-CBD combination gives very exciting results.
Pain caused by arthritis
The most frequently cited study on the subject was conducted on rats suffering from arthritis, in which swelling and joint inflammation were alleviated and the progression of joint destruction was reduced.
However, there are no human studies on the subject. The fact remains that the presumption is favourable.