The benefits of CBD oil for our skin.
The first barrier of our body, indicator of health and fatigue, it is also at the heart of our interest since it dresses our face: the skin. CBD aims to reduce inflammation with CBD oil for external use. Skin disorders are numerous and the so-called classical treatments are often disappointing and aggressive. Cannabidiol again offers a natural alternative.
The virtues of cannabinoids at the service of our skin?
We explain them to you in 6 points.
Dosage and use: external?
What to choose?
We enlighten you!
The virtues of cannabinoid molecules in the service of our skin, here they are in 6 points:
1. Anti-ageing:
CBD oil has antioxidant properties, what better way to help the skin fight the effects of time. It will help the renewal and multiplication of cells.
2. Anti-inflammatory:
As we explained in the article “natural pain therapy” one of the most famous virtues is the fact that it reduces inflammatory reactions. When our skin is attacked from the outside, it will defend itself and create red swellings due to the obstruction of the pores. The CBD molecules will reduce inflammation and thus limit strong reactions such as itching and pimples.
3. Antibacterial:
A healthy epidermis starts with a purified epidermis. CBD has this cleansing virtue and will act as a protective barrier!
4. Sebum regulation:
CBD will reduce the secretion of sebum, by preventing the production of sebocytes. For blackheads and acne, for example, this will be very useful.
5. Anti-stress:
Skin irritations and itching are often caused by stress, CBD molecules will soothe the skin but also the individual. Indeed, CBD oil will bring us a better balance in terms of anxiety and stress in general.
6. Omega 3:
Dosage and use: external
Use of cbd oil for external use:
Omega 3 and 6 have been proven to be more than beneficial for the skin. This is achieved by using the purest and best quality oil possible.
Very effective: topical application of pure CBD oil for acne and severe skin pain.
Tips for daily use of cbd oil for external use:
For a more frequent use and on the whole face for example, you can use the coconut oil as a support of “home cream” and add some drops of oil of CBD evetica.